In Memory

Stephen Fry

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01/10/14 12:18 AM #1    

Robert Crawford

A good and loyal friend with a unique sense of wrong and right.  He could be wildly fun, but he cared for people deeply.  I miss him and cherish his memory.

The last time I saw him, he came to tell me he was dropping out of high school and moving to Michigan because he couldn't live with his parents anymore.  I never heard from him again.  

Does anyone know what happened to him?  

07/18/15 02:14 PM #2    

Mark Nichol

I remember him saying he was dropping out of school, but I didn't know it was because he couldn't get along with his parents. I never heard a word about him after that until seeing here about his passing. He really was a good guy, I got along with him just fine, we used to walk home together after school pretty often. Sad ending and too young of an age.

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