I was very close to Glen at Dawes and Chute. We drifted apart at ETHS as we followed our different interests. Glen was one of the coolest and smartest people I ever knew. He dropped out of ETHS at 16 and passed the GED by studying for one night and reading his older brother and sisters course books. He was the first guy I knew who road a motorcycle in high school and the first I knew who crashed it. I lost complete touch with him after collage until just recently when I reconnected with his sister Monica who told me of his illness. Glen was always in love with the movies and I learned that he did have a career as a camera man on some hollywood movies during the last 25 years. You could probably Google it. Finally, because Glen bucked authority, was a little mysterious, very cool and so brilliant I always dreamed that one day I would read that he had retired at 35 after selling his internet tech company or large real estate holdings for billions and was residing on his island laughing at us all. Strange how things turn out. Glen left great memories with many of us. I cherish them. May he rest in peace. Doug Zabrin
Quite shocked to see of Glen's passing. Absolutely one of the smartest guys I knew. Doug's comments are spot on and bring back good memories. Distinctly remember skipping school in 8th grade to attend a Cub game. We got chased by a truant officer and had to get off and on the "L" to avoid being caught. Was a unique guy and will be missed.
Get hearing from all of you and hopefully I will see you at the reunion. I remember being at Glenn's apartment ( i think it was at Ridge and Main or Oakton) when we were at Chute and listening to Jimmy Hendrix. I think he played guitar for awhile. Very sad news about his passing.
We went different directions yet when we were together we had some moments that last a life time. We spent many hours at my apartment listening to tommy by the who. My dad was cutting edge with music, we had speakers in everyone in the house. We spent time kicking out the jams and glen always came alive for the who. Pete Townsend was his hero.
The one excursion that stands out is going to the biograph theatre and watching wc fields never give a sucker an even break.
As we were heading home the local chicago police helped out. We were picked up for two kids out past curfew. This was before cell phones. My parents were out and about. Glenn's dad had to get us out of jail and for my parents it was only a footnote.
Glen times like these are part of us forever. Rest in peace. Ricky lynn.
oh wow, i just was sitting here at the computer, looking up names from the past, i remember him from jr. high, cutest guy ever, may he rest in peace. he was like a model back then.
I remember Glen from Chute. He was definitely ahead of his time in so many ways. I still recall that Glen was responsible for a dress code change at Chute that allowed shorts to be worn. Glen invented two games played in the cafeteria. The two games were Thumpas and Penny Hockey. Glen had a totally unique wit and he was a slick operator. He was fun to be with. I'm so sad he's gone.
I was very saddened to hear of Glen's passing. In high school I was one of the group that hung out with Glen. Fond memories of Glen include all of the crazy stuff he came up with that he got us to do. The card games were legendary. Before we knew the concept, Glen was always the "smartest one in the room". We assumed Glen would go on to great things. After high school I lost touch, but loosely knew of what he was up to through Howard Levin, who stayed in infrequent contact. Unfortunately Glen never achieved the success we all thought he would. Hopefully happiness didn't elude him. RIP Gleny... we will keep your seat at the poker table open.
Remembering Glen.
It isn't difficult for me because we stayed in touch from the time we met at Chute Jr. High in 6th grade, ETHS, College, as 20, 30, 40 and 50 year old adults, up to a few weeks before his death. I have a box full of letters from Glen written over the years. His life was often amazing and exciting and brilliant. And it was also shadowed by a dark side rooted in depression, anger, deception and addiction.
My memories are bitter-sweet.
Glen was the first boy I ever loved. I remember having a crush on him in 6th grade at Chute Jr. High. We were in the same home room.He didn't even know I existed. As if it were yesterday, I recall that very moment when we actually met. It was an exhilarating rush of girl-giddiness, thought numbing and tongue-tied awkwardness. I was mesmerized by the sound of Glen's voice, his mop of unruly curls framing the most handsome face I could ever imagine, and his eyes...it was torture to make eye contact, it made me weak in the knees and made my stomach warm and my face flush. Janet Weinstein and I had spent that Saturday together at her house. We had walked to the bus stop in front of Chute were we waited for my bus to take me back to Bennett Ave and Dempster. Glen rode up to us on his bicycle. We all had just started our Freshman year at ETHS. Janet had been telling me about 2 boys she liked all day. I didn't realize Glen was one of the boys until he stopped to say hello to her. She didn't have to hide her feelings like I did. She behaved silly and flirtatious. Glen was cool and seemed disconnected. He kept looking at me and asking me questions. Janet would speak before I could process fully that he was speaking to me. My eyes darted back and forth, I would catch Glen's gaze through my nervous blinks as he spoke, and then look at Janet as she chimed in. He commented on what I was wearing, an old brown hat. It's odd how I can see myself as if looking at a picture. My hair was long and symmetrical, messy over my shoulders. I had on an old shirt and corduroy suit coat that had belonged to my grandfather. Glen liked it. We all seemed so comfortable with who we were then. And in those moments while I waited for my bus with Janet, the crush I had on him in 6th grade was replaced with love. I have returned to that memory many times, because a girl never forgets her first love. Not ever.
I cherish every moment that I was able to spend with Glen after Janet introduced us. And though some are bitter and petty about unrequited love, I never let it interfere with our friendship. I never stopped loving Glen.
I still have this odd little book I made of things Glen said, "call me when it's done", things I said, "bowling pins do appear on doorsteps"...bits of phrases that defined our friendship. Little events, like when he had me point my hand like a gun at Trixie, his childhood dog, and she rushed at me to attack until I said, "bang bang", and she instantly played dead. The fish tanks in his room. The Marx Brothers movies, Duck Soup his favorite. I remember Glen calling me on the phone laughing so hard when I left an old bowling pin stuck in the doorway of his house. Later he would go through an almost compulsive phase bowling, getting so good he often scored 300.
Glen often walked me to my painting class Soph year. Once as we walked down the long corridor in the art wing he was angry with me because I casually called him lover, and he curtly told me to stop. He said it was like I was calling him asshole. I remember laughing, walking backward though the class door, smiling as Glen stood there watching me with a scowl on his face. I don't know why I stayed friends with him in HS because he could be very cruel and would make up lies about me. I was 5'6" tall and weighed 138 pounds. I was that "fat girl". Glen liked to date petite girls.
When Glen dropped out of school I was so sad. There was this empty void. But we kept in touch. I remember taking a real silver quarter and painstakingly, with a spoon, pushing the center outward to make a ring for him with the date on the coin the only thing readable, "1956". He kept it forever. Bobby Blecher and I rode our bicycles to Ben's (Geln's Dad) apartment on Lake Shore Dr. once. Glen also collected hub caps then. Once I left an old Mercedes Benz hub cap I took off the 1956 Benz that belonged to my grandfather's best friend propped up against Ben's door, but someone stole it. Glen was so pissed.
In 1972 before my summer trip to Germany, I remember deliberately going to the Pony Shoppe to see Glen. I already had a lock for my Gitane 10 speed but I pretended I needed a lock so I had an excuse to see him before my trip. I asked him what kind of lock I should get and Glen quickly and coolly replied, "how easily do you want the bike to be stolen?" I can see the quirky smile on his face to this day.
When I was in college Glen wrote to me about one of his favorite movies. I remember sending him a check for "One Cool Million" written out just like that as the amount. He wrote back saying it was the best letter ever.
And then there was Glen's Motorcycle...the night he took me for a ride was heart-pounding. I remember him telling me how to move with him around turns. I was wearing Mitsuko perfume from France. It was a cool night and the ride was magical as we rode somewhere North of Evanston. I was living with my grandparents at the time and it had gotten late. I think we were somewhere in Winettka. We stopped at a desolate phone booth with a flickering light overhead so I could call home so my grandparents wouldn't worry. When I got back on the motorcycle Glen started to laugh and point at the phone booth where the phone had fallen off the hook and dangled swinging from side to side in the flickering light.He said it looked like a scene from an Alfred Hitchcock film. We both laughed.
I still have the Monet poster of water lilies that Glen bought me when we went to the Art Institute. That day still means so much to me. I know he really didn't want to spend the day with me, he felt obligated to do it. I knew it then, but I am glad Glen understood how important it was for me. I am crying now as I relive this bitter-sweet memory. I think at the end of the night when he took me back to the hospital, I knew I was always going to be in love with him forever, and I was glad to feel that, but sad he didn't feel the same way. No matter, love is a blessing. It was the best adventure, the museum, driving around Chi-town in the snow storm, eating Thai food, seeing Cliff, and meeting Monica briefly.
I have a memory playing pool one night with my friends Melanie Crispin and Tim Powers. I was back in Evanston after briefly living in Florida. I didn't know Glen was watching me from some obscure corner of the pool hall. Melanie told me the next day he was curious to see me but didn't want me to know he was there. Or the time Glen took me Miniature Golfing and out to dinner at a steak house. He was so annoyed by a crying child he stomped up loudly and we moved far away to a different table. One time Glen actually ran off with the circus and wrote to me about circus life. Later he wrote about how worried he was he might never be able to have children. But Glen had two beautiful sons. I remember when he told me about Jakob his son with his first wife. I said to Glen, "see, you worried over nothing".
Glen's passions were film and dogs. The last few years of his life he stopped being a camera man because of the digitization of so many movies. He used film only and refused to learn the new technology. He then dabbled in Real Estate but mostly his days were spent with his dog Oscar or engaging in his addiction. I often would get a picture of Oscar at the park, or by the pool doing something cute, and then a text begging me to lend him money. The last text message I received from Glen a few weeks before he died was profound. 3 words... love to you.
Douglas Zabrin
I was very close to Glen at Dawes and Chute. We drifted apart at ETHS as we followed our different interests. Glen was one of the coolest and smartest people I ever knew. He dropped out of ETHS at 16 and passed the GED by studying for one night and reading his older brother and sisters course books. He was the first guy I knew who road a motorcycle in high school and the first I knew who crashed it. I lost complete touch with him after collage until just recently when I reconnected with his sister Monica who told me of his illness. Glen was always in love with the movies and I learned that he did have a career as a camera man on some hollywood movies during the last 25 years. You could probably Google it. Finally, because Glen bucked authority, was a little mysterious, very cool and so brilliant I always dreamed that one day I would read that he had retired at 35 after selling his internet tech company or large real estate holdings for billions and was residing on his island laughing at us all. Strange how things turn out. Glen left great memories with many of us. I cherish them. May he rest in peace. Doug Zabrin
John Keuth (Keuth)
Quite shocked to see of Glen's passing. Absolutely one of the smartest guys I knew. Doug's comments are spot on and bring back good memories. Distinctly remember skipping school in 8th grade to attend a Cub game. We got chased by a truant officer and had to get off and on the "L" to avoid being caught. Was a unique guy and will be missed.
Byron Schneidman
Get hearing from all of you and hopefully I will see you at the reunion. I remember being at Glenn's apartment ( i think it was at Ridge and Main or Oakton) when we were at Chute and listening to Jimmy Hendrix. I think he played guitar for awhile. Very sad news about his passing.
Debra Netter (Netter)
So sorry to hear about Glen. Lost touch after Chute. He was the 8th grade heartthrob!
Richard Lynn
We went different directions yet when we were together we had some moments that last a life time. We spent many hours at my apartment listening to tommy by the who. My dad was cutting edge with music, we had speakers in everyone in the house. We spent time kicking out the jams and glen always came alive for the who. Pete Townsend was his hero.
The one excursion that stands out is going to the biograph theatre and watching wc fields never give a sucker an even break.
As we were heading home the local chicago police helped out. We were picked up for two kids out past curfew. This was before cell phones. My parents were out and about. Glenn's dad had to get us out of jail and for my parents it was only a footnote.
Glen times like these are part of us forever. Rest in peace. Ricky lynn.
Enid Richmond
oh wow, i just was sitting here at the computer, looking up names from the past, i remember him from jr. high, cutest guy ever, may he rest in peace. he was like a model back then.
Bob Peterson
I remember Glen from Chute. He was definitely ahead of his time in so many ways. I still recall that Glen was responsible for a dress code change at Chute that allowed shorts to be worn. Glen invented two games played in the cafeteria. The two games were Thumpas and Penny Hockey. Glen had a totally unique wit and he was a slick operator. He was fun to be with. I'm so sad he's gone.Karin (Caryn) Zimmerman (Fendick)
Was Glen the one (at Chute) who was always breaking his eyeglasses?
I recall him getting a pair that was supposed to be unbreakable - so he decided to test them by throwing them hard onto the floor.
Yes, they broke, of course.
If that wasn't Glen - does anyone recall who it was?
Jeff Kosberg
I was very saddened to hear of Glen's passing. In high school I was one of the group that hung out with Glen. Fond memories of Glen include all of the crazy stuff he came up with that he got us to do. The card games were legendary. Before we knew the concept, Glen was always the "smartest one in the room". We assumed Glen would go on to great things. After high school I lost touch, but loosely knew of what he was up to through Howard Levin, who stayed in infrequent contact. Unfortunately Glen never achieved the success we all thought he would. Hopefully happiness didn't elude him. RIP Gleny... we will keep your seat at the poker table open.
Bonnie Mcdonald (Roof)
Remembering Glen.
It isn't difficult for me because we stayed in touch from the time we met at Chute Jr. High in 6th grade, ETHS, College, as 20, 30, 40 and 50 year old adults, up to a few weeks before his death. I have a box full of letters from Glen written over the years. His life was often amazing and exciting and brilliant. And it was also shadowed by a dark side rooted in depression, anger, deception and addiction.
My memories are bitter-sweet.
Glen was the first boy I ever loved. I remember having a crush on him in 6th grade at Chute Jr. High. We were in the same home room.He didn't even know I existed. As if it were yesterday, I recall that very moment when we actually met. It was an exhilarating rush of girl-giddiness, thought numbing and tongue-tied awkwardness. I was mesmerized by the sound of Glen's voice, his mop of unruly curls framing the most handsome face I could ever imagine, and his eyes...it was torture to make eye contact, it made me weak in the knees and made my stomach warm and my face flush. Janet Weinstein and I had spent that Saturday together at her house. We had walked to the bus stop in front of Chute were we waited for my bus to take me back to Bennett Ave and Dempster. Glen rode up to us on his bicycle. We all had just started our Freshman year at ETHS. Janet had been telling me about 2 boys she liked all day. I didn't realize Glen was one of the boys until he stopped to say hello to her. She didn't have to hide her feelings like I did. She behaved silly and flirtatious. Glen was cool and seemed disconnected. He kept looking at me and asking me questions. Janet would speak before I could process fully that he was speaking to me. My eyes darted back and forth, I would catch Glen's gaze through my nervous blinks as he spoke, and then look at Janet as she chimed in. He commented on what I was wearing, an old brown hat. It's odd how I can see myself as if looking at a picture. My hair was long and symmetrical, messy over my shoulders. I had on an old shirt and corduroy suit coat that had belonged to my grandfather. Glen liked it. We all seemed so comfortable with who we were then. And in those moments while I waited for my bus with Janet, the crush I had on him in 6th grade was replaced with love. I have returned to that memory many times, because a girl never forgets her first love. Not ever.

I cherish every moment that I was able to spend with Glen after Janet introduced us. And though some are bitter and petty about unrequited love, I never let it interfere with our friendship. I never stopped loving Glen.
I still have this odd little book I made of things Glen said, "call me when it's done", things I said, "bowling pins do appear on doorsteps"...bits of phrases that defined our friendship. Little events, like when he had me point my hand like a gun at Trixie, his childhood dog, and she rushed at me to attack until I said, "bang bang", and she instantly played dead. The fish tanks in his room. The Marx Brothers movies, Duck Soup his favorite. I remember Glen calling me on the phone laughing so hard when I left an old bowling pin stuck in the doorway of his house. Later he would go through an almost compulsive phase bowling, getting so good he often scored 300.
Glen often walked me to my painting class Soph year. Once as we walked down the long corridor in the art wing he was angry with me because I casually called him lover, and he curtly told me to stop. He said it was like I was calling him asshole. I remember laughing, walking backward though the class door, smiling as Glen stood there watching me with a scowl on his face. I don't know why I stayed friends with him in HS because he could be very cruel and would make up lies about me. I was 5'6" tall and weighed 138 pounds. I was that "fat girl". Glen liked to date petite girls.
When Glen dropped out of school I was so sad. There was this empty void. But we kept in touch. I remember taking a real silver quarter and painstakingly, with a spoon, pushing the center outward to make a ring for him with the date on the coin the only thing readable, "1956". He kept it forever. Bobby Blecher and I rode our bicycles to Ben's (Geln's Dad) apartment on Lake Shore Dr. once. Glen also collected hub caps then. Once I left an old Mercedes Benz hub cap I took off the 1956 Benz that belonged to my grandfather's best friend propped up against Ben's door, but someone stole it. Glen was so pissed.
In 1972 before my summer trip to Germany, I remember deliberately going to the Pony Shoppe to see Glen. I already had a lock for my Gitane 10 speed but I pretended I needed a lock so I had an excuse to see him before my trip. I asked him what kind of lock I should get and Glen quickly and coolly replied, "how easily do you want the bike to be stolen?" I can see the quirky smile on his face to this day.
When I was in college Glen wrote to me about one of his favorite movies. I remember sending him a check for "One Cool Million" written out just like that as the amount. He wrote back saying it was the best letter ever.
And then there was Glen's Motorcycle...the night he took me for a ride was heart-pounding. I remember him telling me how to move with him around turns. I was wearing Mitsuko perfume from France. It was a cool night and the ride was magical as we rode somewhere North of Evanston. I was living with my grandparents at the time and it had gotten late. I think we were somewhere in Winettka. We stopped at a desolate phone booth with a flickering light overhead so I could call home so my grandparents wouldn't worry. When I got back on the motorcycle Glen started to laugh and point at the phone booth where the phone had fallen off the hook and dangled swinging from side to side in the flickering light.He said it looked like a scene from an Alfred Hitchcock film. We both laughed.
I still have the Monet poster of water lilies that Glen bought me when we went to the Art Institute. That day still means so much to me. I know he really didn't want to spend the day with me, he felt obligated to do it. I knew it then, but I am glad Glen understood how important it was for me. I am crying now as I relive this bitter-sweet memory. I think at the end of the night when he took me back to the hospital, I knew I was always going to be in love with him forever, and I was glad to feel that, but sad he didn't feel the same way. No matter, love is a blessing. It was the best adventure, the museum, driving around Chi-town in the snow storm, eating Thai food, seeing Cliff, and meeting Monica briefly.
I have a memory playing pool one night with my friends Melanie Crispin and Tim Powers. I was back in Evanston after briefly living in Florida. I didn't know Glen was watching me from some obscure corner of the pool hall. Melanie told me the next day he was curious to see me but didn't want me to know he was there. Or the time Glen took me Miniature Golfing and out to dinner at a steak house. He was so annoyed by a crying child he stomped up loudly and we moved far away to a different table. One time Glen actually ran off with the circus and wrote to me about circus life. Later he wrote about how worried he was he might never be able to have children. But Glen had two beautiful sons. I remember when he told me about Jakob his son with his first wife. I said to Glen, "see, you worried over nothing".
Glen's passions were film and dogs. The last few years of his life he stopped being a camera man because of the digitization of so many movies. He used film only and refused to learn the new technology. He then dabbled in Real Estate but mostly his days were spent with his dog Oscar or engaging in his addiction. I often would get a picture of Oscar at the park, or by the pool doing something cute, and then a text begging me to lend him money. The last text message I received from Glen a few weeks before he died was profound. 3 words... love to you.
Glen is never more than a thought away.