In Memory

Theresa Sutcliffe

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07/23/24 08:59 AM #1    

Phillip Neuberg

Sad to learn of Terry's death.  We dated for a couple years in high school and I remember her bright smile and cheerful laugh. Growing up in a single parent home with a mom working full time, Terry was more mature than most teenagers. 
may she rest in peace. 

07/24/24 02:22 PM #2    

Sally Schleker

I'm so sorry to hear this, too.  Does anyone know when she passed away?  I looked for an obituary and couldn't find one.  Terry was a friend of mine at ETHS and we also worked at the Marshall Field's in downtown Evanston together.  She was sweet and funny and a good friend.   I touched base with her around the time of our 40th reunion.  We had a nice chat but I couldn't convince her to come to the reunion.

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