I had no idea Winston had died. I remember him and he was a very personable guy. It's so sad that we are findng some many of our classmates that are no longer here.
Winston was my cousin. I have many fond memories of family times together. He passed away in 2000.. He had a wonderful sense of humor. A friend of his shared with me a great Winston story. In a theater, while watching The Exorcist, at a pivotal moment, he got up and yelled "we are all going to die" which shook up the crowd. I thought I would add an interesting link to a peace video project that Winnie was involved in http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1989-02-25/lifestyle/8902250492_1_yoko-ono-ram-dass-peace-movement
Been thinking for awhile what to say about Winston and there's so much.Too much really. I maybe had more fun with him than anyone else I can think of. Road trips, skiing, college, music, apartments, we shared a lot. One of the great things we both had was a love of the Blues. I have a million memories with Winston and some of the best are from shows we went to. Like the marathon at Kingstone Mines and the couple from Norway that we sat with...well that story is for another time
But, as happens sometimes, we grew apart, things changed, or needed to. There are different reasons this can happen with friends and mostly they should stay between friends.
I'll leave it with a verse from the Stevie Ray Vaughan tune "Life By The Drop'
~Up and down the road in our worn down shoes, Talking about good things and singin' the blues. You went your way and I stayed behind. We both knew it was jut a matter of time. You livin' our dream oh you on the top. My mind is achin', Lord it won't stop. That's how it happens living life by the drop.~
Winston was a good friend and have great memories. One stands out. Several of us were spending the weekend in michiana close to Independence Day. I am looking at the spot where we celebrated right now. It sends chills up my spine. The memories are very clear. Winston was lighting up the sky with some exciting fireworks. Some of the fireworks caught the dune on fire that continued to light the evening sky. We came together as a team and put the fire out. Moments like these last a lifetime. Winston we really were fortunate to be friends. We will miss you at the 40th high school reunion. It feels like only yesterday. Ricky lynn...
I rememer that 4th of July fireworks fire on the Dunes. I also remember Winston's love of the Blues, many a times we went down to Biddy Mulligan's.
My favorite memory of Winston among many was our road trip to Mardie Grad, Freshmen year in College. On our way back to New Mexico for me and Utah for Winston, he talked me into taking my 63 Lemans(Thanks Janet Weinsten) on a ferry across the Mississippi River, then we drove down the road to Alexandia and stopped in a cafe for lunch. We were looking at the photos on the wall of Peter Fonda, Jack Nicklelson, and Dennis Hopper and it turned out that was where they had filmed Easy Rider's cafe scenes.
One other favorite memory was at Wrigley Field and Winston was a intense cub fan. We went for opening day in 1981 to see Cards and the Cubs. I left my job at the Merc and met Winston at the Parkl It was an 80 degree sunny day after a long winter and I was in heaven just sitting in the sun. We poached down to the front row just above first base and watched the entire game there. Bruce Sutter pitched the 9th to keep it close and in the bottom of the 9th, Barry Foote hit a walk off grand slam. We party for a while around wrigley after that. The next day it snowed.
Hey Winston. They did it! We thought it was going to happen in '84. I still talk about watching the clincher with you then, at Bob's (by the way, it's not Bob's anymore) then doing a victory lap around Wrigley with a bottle of cheap champagne. There were a "few" more people there this year and I'm thinking you would have been one of them. Miss you.
Robert Gold
Gone a long time, but I still remember how he made everyone in our class laugh. Never was close to him, but still remember him.
Carol Lynn White (White)
I had no idea Winston had died. I remember him and he was a very personable guy. It's so sad that we are findng some many of our classmates that are no longer here.
Suzanne Katz (Harney)
Winston was my cousin. I have many fond memories of family times together. He passed away in 2000.. He had a wonderful sense of humor. A friend of his shared with me a great Winston story. In a theater, while watching The Exorcist, at a pivotal moment, he got up and yelled "we are all going to die" which shook up the crowd. I thought I would add an interesting link to a peace video project that Winnie was involved in http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1989-02-25/lifestyle/8902250492_1_yoko-ono-ram-dass-peace-movement
Paul Zundel
Been thinking for awhile what to say about Winston and there's so much.Too much really. I maybe had more fun with him than anyone else I can think of. Road trips, skiing, college, music, apartments, we shared a lot. One of the great things we both had was a love of the Blues. I have a million memories with Winston and some of the best are from shows we went to. Like the marathon at Kingstone Mines and the couple from Norway that we sat with...well that story is for another time
But, as happens sometimes, we grew apart, things changed, or needed to. There are different reasons this can happen with friends and mostly they should stay between friends.
I'll leave it with a verse from the Stevie Ray Vaughan tune "Life By The Drop'
~Up and down the road in our worn down shoes, Talking about good things and singin' the blues. You went your way and I stayed behind. We both knew it was jut a matter of time. You livin' our dream oh you on the top. My mind is achin', Lord it won't stop. That's how it happens living life by the drop.~
Richard Lynn
Winston was a good friend and have great memories. One stands out. Several of us were spending the weekend in michiana close to Independence Day. I am looking at the spot where we celebrated right now. It sends chills up my spine. The memories are very clear. Winston was lighting up the sky with some exciting fireworks. Some of the fireworks caught the dune on fire that continued to light the evening sky. We came together as a team and put the fire out. Moments like these last a lifetime. Winston we really were fortunate to be friends. We will miss you at the 40th high school reunion. It feels like only yesterday. Ricky lynn...
John O'Connor
I remember Winston as very outgoing - he didn't need his red hair or freckles to be the bubbling personality he portrayed at Nichols and HS
James Lasworth (Lasworth)
I rememer that 4th of July fireworks fire on the Dunes. I also remember Winston's love of the Blues, many a times we went down to Biddy Mulligan's.
My favorite memory of Winston among many was our road trip to Mardie Grad, Freshmen year in College. On our way back to New Mexico for me and Utah for Winston, he talked me into taking my 63 Lemans(Thanks Janet Weinsten) on a ferry across the Mississippi River, then we drove down the road to Alexandia and stopped in a cafe for lunch. We were looking at the photos on the wall of Peter Fonda, Jack Nicklelson, and Dennis Hopper and it turned out that was where they had filmed Easy Rider's cafe scenes.
One other favorite memory was at Wrigley Field and Winston was a intense cub fan. We went for opening day in 1981 to see Cards and the Cubs. I left my job at the Merc and met Winston at the Parkl It was an 80 degree sunny day after a long winter and I was in heaven just sitting in the sun. We poached down to the front row just above first base and watched the entire game there. Bruce Sutter pitched the 9th to keep it close and in the bottom of the 9th, Barry Foote hit a walk off grand slam. We party for a while around wrigley after that. The next day it snowed.
Jimmy Laz
Paul Zundel
Hey Winston. They did it! We thought it was going to happen in '84. I still talk about watching the clincher with you then, at Bob's (by the way, it's not Bob's anymore) then doing a victory lap around Wrigley with a bottle of cheap champagne. There were a "few" more people there this year and I'm thinking you would have been one of them. Miss you.
John O'Connor
No doubt about that Winston and all of the Cubbies fans were there to help root them on. Go Cubs Go