I did not know Jonathan well but he made a big impression because of his manner and his taking ill at such a young age. I remember visiting him with another friend sr year at Evanston Hospital, his room I think had a view of the golf course, he was in good spirits, his illness was not visible yet in that way. I think I was told he had melanoma, as serious now as it was then
I see later his family had a charitable foundation for him (Jonathan Eric Freeman Foundation), what a nice way to remember a loved one who died too young https://www.taxexemptworld.com/organization.asp?tn=903540
Suzanne Katz (Harney)
I recall Jon being in an algebra class of mine. He was a sweet human being. I recall that he did have some type of illness at that time.
Mark Lipowicz
I did not know Jonathan well but he made a big impression because of his manner and his taking ill at such a young age. I remember visiting him with another friend sr year at Evanston Hospital, his room I think had a view of the golf course, he was in good spirits, his illness was not visible yet in that way. I think I was told he had melanoma, as serious now as it was then
A grave finder website has his headstone with the date April 13 1985 at Memorial Park Cemetery in Skokie https://www.findagrave.com/
I see later his family had a charitable foundation for him (Jonathan Eric Freeman Foundation), what a nice way to remember a loved one who died too young https://www.taxexemptworld.com/organization.asp?tn=903540