ETHS - Evanston Township High School

Mark Lipowicz
Mark's Latest Interactions
I'm sorry I did not know Joshua at ETHS. I see his coffee shop is about two miles from where I live, sorry I missed it and him https://www.yelp.com/biz/new-york-gourmet-coffee-mineola
I did not know Jonathan well but he made a big impression because of his manner and his taking ill at such a young age. I remember visiting him with another friend sr year at Evanston Hospital, his room I think had a view of the golf course, he was in good spirits, his illness was not visible yet in that way. I think I was told he had melanoma, as serious now as it was then
I see later his family had a charitable foundation for him (Jonathan Eric Freeman Foundation), what a nice way to remember someone. They did that in 1987. We do not have Jonathan's year of death posted but it must have been 1987 or not too long before https://www.taxexemptworld.com/organization.asp?tn=903540
Rick was my friend and fellow altar boy in grammar school days (St Nick's) then at ETHS we were in different wings (I was West he was East). I saw he got to do the career he wanted; he was a police officer. We used to work on chemistry projects together in 7th grade days, chemistry turned out to be significant for me, I still remember his term "flam-dammables" for some of the more reactive elements and molecules
Rick was my friend and fellow altar boy in grammar school days (St Nick's) then at ETHS we were in different wings. I see he got to do the career he wanted; he was a police officer. We used to work on chemistry projects together in 7th grade days, chemistry turned out to be significant for me, I still remember his term "flam-dammables" for some of the more reactive elements and molecules
Posted on: Nov 03, 2016 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Nov 03, 2015 at 3:33 AM