ETHS - Evanston Township High School

Karl Hausker
Residing in: | Wayne, PA USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Kathleen |
Occupation: | Public Policy Analyst/Entrepreneur |
Children: | Tara and Alana (1999), Allie (2001) |
Karl's Latest Interactions
I got to event late last night -- probably missed you by 10min. Marty passed on your hug with appropriate emotion!
You REALLY aren't coming Sat.!?!?! OK, call me on cell 202-412-5972
Hoping to see you and the whole gang!
Glad to see you're attending! But I don't see Anne signed up... Lots of Haven memories on top of ETHS...
Posted on: Jul 12, 2014 at 8:19 PM
Nice pic from 2004 on the main webpage! Can you post a hi-res version on your homepage? thx. see ya soon.
Hey Ray - I dug up our 5th grade class pic and posted on my page. Fond memories of Forestview Rd and Lincolnwood Elem School, not to mention ETHS. Are you coming to 40th?
Posted on: Jul 02, 2014 at 7:58 AM
Hey Rob - I dug up a copy of our 5th grade class pic and posted it on my page. Fond memories of Mrs. Lee and Lincolnwood. Looking fwd to seeing you!
Posted on: Jul 02, 2014 at 7:51 AM
Hey Betsy - I dug up our 5th grade class photo and posted it on my page. Found memories of Mrs. Lee and Lincolnwood. Sounds like you're not making the trek to our 40th.
Hey - I dug up our 5th grade class photo and posted it on my page. Looking forward to seeing you and comparing old strategies for "slide tag".
Looking back, you were truly ahead of the curve on the Women's Movement. I was way behind, along with all[?] of my testosterone-laden buddies...
Remember this All in the Family episode? http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=229x12880
My daughters did not have any problem solving the riddle. Progress!
Posted on: Jun 30, 2014 at 8:47 AM
Hi Sue!
Remember this All in the Family episode? http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=229x12880
My daughters didn't have any problem solving the riddle. Progress!
So, Dr. Solway, how many female doctors are in the class of '74?
Posted on: Jun 30, 2014 at 8:19 AM
Twins? (me too)
Only 17? (mine are only 15)
Ah, the joys of delayed parenthood (especially teenage girls - "Dad, you are SOOOOO annoying...")
Did I ever FULLY apologize for chipping your wooden bowl on the lathe at Haven Jr High!?!?!
FOR SALE: 90cc Yamaha. Or willing to trade up for your 125cc Honda[?] if you still have it. Oh, those were the days...
Looking forward to hoisting a cold one on Saturday, Bill!